Governor - Beacon Multi Academy Trust
SB 511102
School Support (non-teaching)
Beal High School, Woodford Bridge Road, IG4 5LP

Beacon Multi Academy Trust is seeking Governors for their Local Governing Body. The Beacon LGB comprises of members that represent Beal High School and The Beacon Business Innovation Hub (BBIH).

Beal is a mixed, community comprehensive school for students aged 11 – 18. The vast majority of our students come from the catchment area and we celebrate the fact that our local community is ethnically diverse which is reflected in our intake. Included on the Beal roll is the Beacon Communication Department, an additionally resourced provision for students with a range of social communication difficulties including Autism and Asperger’s syndrome. The BBIH is an alternative, high quality provision for 12 -19 year olds located on the Beacon campus. The curriculum offers academic and vocational pathways in a range of subjects to maximise engagement, success and progression for all.

Please contact for further information and to register your interest.

31 March 2025 at 12:00
Positive about disabled people