
Ward: Snaresbrook

Date of election: 22 May 2014

Electorate: 9477

Ballot papers issued: 3811

Ballot papers rejected: 30

Turnout: 40.21%

Votes by candidate

Proportion of votes by candidate

Candidate Party Votes Elected?
Bruck, David Liberal Democrats 280
Chetinkaya, Levent Liberal Democrats 209
Cronin, Colin Conservative 1686 Yes
Cummins, Chris Conservative 1643 Yes
Eglin, Gregor Labour 1468
Eglin, Sophia Labour 1497
Fink, Deborah Green Party 590
Hokam-Dahd, Imraan Labour 1161
Nolan, Suzanne Conservative 1724 Yes
Swallow, Malcolm Liberal Democrats 284

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